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71 photos

CARLSBAD HIGH Lancer Dancers Banner 2014-2015Evoke Rainbow BannerCarlsbad High School Lancer Dancer Showcase PosterLancer Dancer Red White and Blue BannerCatherine Welch Senior Poster - TTP Nutcracker 2013TTP Seniors - Katie Sherman, Catherine Welch & Joanna Dare - Class of 2014Classical Ballet Positions - 0th through 5th by Katie Sherman - TTP Nutcracker 2013Benefits of Ballet Poster - TTP Nutcracker 2012To the Pointe Poster - TTP Nutcracker 2012To the Pointe Poster - TTP Nutcracker 2012Giselle by Candice Kaal-JackWWWTB (What We Want To Be) Poster - Aviara Oaks Elementary 2011-2012 - 4th Grade ELElisse Madhatter Poster - Carlsbad Dance Centre 2012Carlsbad Dance Centre 2012 Competition Team PosterCarlsbad Dance Centre 2012 Will Rogers PosterCarlsbad Dance Centre 2012 I'm In Here PosterSavannah Pipp Anagram Poster - Carlsbad Dance Centre 2012TTP Seniors - Class of 2012Dance-opoly - Game Pieces Not Included - TTP Nutcracker 2011